Flagstaff Area ATV Club Minutes – April 16, 2023

20 members were present. The meeting was brought to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Edie Dunlap with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Presidents Report:  Edie Dunlap, breezy1@tdstelme.net  

Edie thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. The weather is getting warmer and puts everyone in the mood for ATV season and spring clean-up.

Thank you letters were read from Pine Tree for our $100 donation and a member who has been coming up for years, helping on trails when younger and wanted us to know he appreciated what we are doing now. 

Dale and Edie attended the Maine ATV banquet yesterday in Brewer. This is some items that were discussed at the meeting.

ATV Maine submitted 2 bills to the Legislature this year. One was LD434 which was for ATV registration fees for club members to stay at the current rate but would increase by $30 for non-club members. After discussion in the legislature it was decided to withdraw it and form a working group with IFW to design a system similar to one that NH has.

The second bill was LE1370: Resolve to Study the Gasoline Tax Allocations for Recreational Vehicles and Make Recommendations for Changes. This legislation, submitted on our behalf by Rep. Scott Landry, would study the gas tax allocation and reallocate funds proportionately based on the number of registrations of each type of recreational vehicle. A reallocation based on the 2001 data would provide ATV’s with nearly $700,000 more a year. There has been no action on it yet.

ATV Maine has implemented a card system similar to MSA. The card has two parts which are numbered and will be tracked for accuracy. We will fill them out and the small one will be mailed to the member and the larger one will go to ATV Maine who will mail updated stickers to each member.  

In February Edie was nominated and voted in to serve on the Landowners and Sportsmen Relations Advisory Board for the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in the capacity of representing outdoor recreation – ATV’s for the State of Maine. This is a 3 year term.

 On April 12th the Town of Eustis had a special town meeting to vote on the purchase of a 5.6 acre piece of property along with maintenance and storage buildings on the property in Eustis. The purpose of the purchase would be to share the land and the maintenance/storage buildings between the town public works, Flagstaff School to do maintenance on buses and also developing a Park’n Ride for the Arnold Trail Snowmobile Club and Flagstaff ATV Club. There will be a trail built from that property to connect to the existing snowmobile/atv trails. The vote for the purchase was passed to buy the property. The two clubs will work together to get the trail done.

We will be purchasing our landowner’s liability insurance through ATV of Maine for $550.00. They still have the free $3500 A&D insurance for every member and their family for free. A new liability policy will be offered this year as well which will cover the Club Officers and Directors. The members voted to purchase this insurance as well.  

Gifts for the landowners mailed out this year were small notebooks with an attached pen along with two other nice pens that were inscribed with a Thank you to our landowners. Plans are to do another calendar this year with pictures showing previous Trail Masters working on trails along with how trails are done now. 

The club has purchased a new 20’ long high cube storage pod which will be used for storing all the equipment that belongs to the club and also the club’s ATV during the winter months.   

Tim Pond Camps have given us a date of Saturday August 19th that would work best for them if we would like do our annual ride in for lunch. Members voted to return again this year. 

Our fall ride will be on Saturday Sept. 30th at Natanis Campground this year. We will not be able to ride our ATV’s there but thought it would be a nice change as sometimes the weather is not the greatest that late in the season. Being able to drive there would enable more people to attend if they wanted and the foliage should be really pretty. We will be doing hamburgers/hotdogs and asking for members to bring a dish to share. 

Bruce Marcoux said that the Lion’s Club was going to give the proceeds of their part of the Lobster Raffle to purchasing 2 camera’s for the school buses that will film vehicles that pass the stopped school bus. A motion was made and approved to donate $2,000 plus our proceeds of the Lobster Raffle for the cameras. 


Vice President: Sandi Isgro, sandi.whitewolf@gmail.com

Sandi discussed the decision to disband the Black Fly Loop for snowmobiles and Moose Trail for ATV’s. There are too many disconnection’s on trails to be able to make the connections needed for a loop or trail between several towns. 


Trail Master’s Account: Dale Dunlap, breezy1@tdstelme.net

Income: Deposit $7,500 from last grant payment.

Expenses: Fuel – $30.00, Ware Butler for container lock – $13.70, Scott’s Recreation for storage container- $6917.50, Rangeley Building Supply for cement pads – $82.29, Franklin County Soil & Water for re-certifications – $255.00


Treasurer’s Report: Gloria Smith, fredgloria@msn.com 

 October 10th thru December 31st 2022

Income: Grant – $14,581.00

Expenses: Fuel – $44.27, Coastal Printing for maps – $214.17, Celine Brochu for Quill Hill – $1,000, GCA Logging for grading AFM – $6075.00, RC McLucas for grading for Wagner – $7495.00, RC McLucas for grading for Wagner – $5925.00, Moose Alley ATV Club donation – $100.00, Lisa Duke for website – $446.50, US Postal Service for stamps – ($9.00)

January 1st to present – 2023

Income: Donation money boxes – $344.00, Memberships – $2070.00, Donations – $1130.00, Clothing Sales – $56.00

Expenses: Scott’s Recreation Down Payment for Container – $500.00, Quality Logo Products (Tablet for Landowners) – $267.72, National Pen (Pens for Landowners) – $149.75, ATV Maine Banquet – $40.00, Town of Eustis – Meetings and Copying – $200.00, Postal Service for Land Owner Mailing – $90.40, Postal Service for stamps – $68.25, Package 500 address labels – $34.79, Amazon – Ink, return labels, envelopes – $19.19, Pine Tree Society donation – $100.00, FABA – $125.00, Secretary of State for filing Fees – $35.00, US Postal Service for stamps for Secretary – $126.00, Walmart for one ink cartridge – $48.41, Sugarloaf Marathon donation – $100.00, Penobscot Indian Nation land permit – $150.00, Jordan Lumber for oil for equipment – $51.08.


Secretary’s Report: Diane Wyman  

Memberships this year to date: 58

41 Regular Memberships , including 3 new ones

17 Business Memberships, including 2 new ones.


Trail Master’s Report: Dale Dunlap, breezy1@tdstelme.net   

Have talked to Wagner’s Forester and he does not believe at this time that we will have any closures this year until maybe at the very end of the season. Have not heard from either AFM or Weyerhaeuser yet.

The state is actively working for a fix to Brochu Bridge, hopefully more info in the near future. 

Recertification for DEP – Trail Master-Dale Dunlap, Assistant Trail Master-Fred Smith, Member-Chris Currier. 

We will be meeting with the Penobscot Nation next week to look at updated maps for possible trails to connect to Natanis. 

Carrabassett Trails are still not open but hoping that meetings they have been having will be helping that situation. 


 Jeff Babineau won the door prize and Natalie Babineau won the 50/50, she gave $20.00 back to the club – thank you Natalie. 


Our next meeting will be on May 7th, which is the first Sunday in May. With the Sunday after Mother’s day being May 21st I felt it was to close to Memorial Day Weekend to get information to the members. Our meeting will be at 10:00 am at the Stratton Community Building.

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