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Daily Archives: June 14, 2012



Authors Peter and Nancy Wagner


Meeting brought to order at  10AM by President Don Plante with the Pledge of Allegiance. 32 members present

President’s Report: Don Plante   damp@tds,net

  • ·Thanked Phil Hill for getting qualified on ATV Maine Safety  Trailer and also all who participated in the Flagstaff Fuel Grand Opening.
    ·Talked to Billy from Tim Pond Camps to see if they were  interested with our club doing another ride to their place for lunch.
    They are interested and these are the dates that he gave me off the  top of his head. Sat. July 14th and Sat. Aug.4 or 11th. Need input
    from club members.
    ·Family Fun Day is June 30th. Parade starts at11am. Line up from 10am on at the CMP building.
    ·Brian Mulligan was at our meeting to discuss the Brochu Bridge repairs. He checked out the work we did and reported to Dick that damage had been done to some of the stanchions. I went down and repaired what was damaged.
    ·Happy Birthday to Edie Manter.
  • ·Brian also awarded coffee mugs to club members that have volunteered many hours to the club.

Vice President’s Report:  Absent

Membership Secretary: Ruthann Smith

  • ·At this time we have 210 paid members. I am seeing that there is some confusion about the Associate Memberships. If you belong to another club, they are your PRIMARY. If you also want to support our club you may do so with an Associate Membership at a reduced cost. ATV Maine is the reason for this distinction, your Primary Club pays for your membership with them.
    ·Another issue for discussion is that we need to reorder our stickers, I am now looking into it.
    ·I am happy to report that I was able to deposit $73.35 from Eclectic Treasures sales in the 1st 5 days we were open. I very much appreciate all the donations we received a few weeks ago. I`m sure we will add some nice figures to the club treasury as the season moves along.

Treaurer’s Report:Bob Dennett

  • ·As of June 10th the check book balance is good.
    ·We voted to donate $100 to FABA for family fun days.
  • ·We have to pay ATV Maine $230 for members. We need to pay for T-shirts $120.We reimbursted Dick $ 310.
  • ·This years trail grant money will most likely be used to help the snowmobile club replank the Brochu Bridge which is in bad need of repair.
  • ·So far this year, we have spent $ 3895 on trail repairs.
    ·With the clubs help I was able to raise $ 5500 for the Tour de Cure bike ride. Thanks to all.

Trailmaster’s Report: Richard Smith

  • ·May 19th & 20th I worked with the excavator grading the powerline behind Stratton.
    ·May 21st I fixed the truck body bridge off the SFT rd., where it was washed out on both ends. I then picked up 2 culverts from J.L. Brochu.
    ·May 22nd Neal and I put in 2 culverts on East Kennebago rd and opened up the North Branch Bridge. Joe Marcoux and K.C. rode the Tea Pond and Tim Pass trails and signed. Don rode Butler, Bradbury Brook and End of the Lake trails and recommended closing them. Ray and Lee brushed out the trail to Natanis.
    ·May 29,30 and 31 Don and I tore apart the bridge on Antler Hill rd. for the beams for future bridges. We then went to Brochu Bridge and patched the hole because an ATV`er fell thru while walking on the edge. The state had us close it.
    ·June 1st I went to Carrabassett to pick up the new maps from Tom. I then went with 3 telephone poles to replace the bridge between rt. 27 and Plum Creek rd. Brian Mulligan gave us a temporary fix for Brochu Bridge.
    ·June 2nd Don, Peter Wagner and I did the temporary fix to the bridge. Our instructions were to put posts with rope down each side of center of the bridge. I then went to sign Plum Creek rd.
    ·June 3rd I signed the K & B rd and Antler Hill rd.
    ·June 4th & 5th I replaced the bridge between rt 27 and Plum Creek rd., graded the approaches on Caldwell rd. and ditched the trail behind Jays pit.
    ·June 6th I cleaned up the scrap wood from the replaced bridge then Don and I went to the Bone Yard and fixed up the Optional Boardwalk so it is passable. It will have to be replaced soon.
    ·June 7th Joe Marcoux and I picked up a lift of lumber and stacked it.
    ·June 8th I went to East Kennebago and started to fix up the washout. I also put rocks to block the stream crossing by rt 16 and the snowmobile bridge.
  • Next meeting July 8th