Flagstaff Area ATV Club Minutes – September 12, 2021

16 members were present. The meeting was brought to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Edie Dunlap with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Presidents Report:  Edie Dunlap,  breezy1@tdstelme.net  

35 members went on the ride to Tim Pond and we rode the new connection for the Split Rock Trail. We had a little rain on and off but most of the day was pretty good. We had a great cookout with hamburgers/hot dogs, salad, drink and dessert. Tim Pond asked if we would like to alternate the menu and maybe next year go back to the Chicken Pot Pies they use to do. Members decided to vote at our meeting for the change in the menu for next year. 

Our next ride will be the club cookout at Kennebago Lookout on September 25th. Please let me know if you plan on attending so we can get what food we need. (e-mail, message on facebook or call 431-0922) Everyone is welcome to bring a dish or dessert to share as well as your own drink. The club will be furnishing hamburgers and hotdogs. We will leave the Eustis Park n Ride at 9:30. Rain date will be the following Saturday. 

There will be no connection the week of September 13th from Stratton to Rangeley at Flag Dam Bridge over near the Redington Road in Rangeley. The bridge is being taken down and replaced. Hopefully they will have it done between Monday – Friday so it can be opened back up for the weekend. 

The club has a chance to upgrade our ATV to a machine that will be a little bit better for a working machine. There is not a lot of room in the bed of the one we have now and the weight of just our signs when we are out working on the trails has been an issue sometimes. Our machine is a 2017 and has 3600 miles on it. The other machine is a 2018 Arctic Cat Stampede with 700 miles on it.  It also has a winch and dump body.  A motion was made to make the upgrade and was passed. 


Vice President: Sandi Isgro, sandi.whitewolf@gmail.com

There is no new info with opening a through trail for the Moose Loop Trail. 


Trail Master’s Account: Dale Dunlap, breezy1@tdstelme.net

Expenses were $971.92 to Pines Market and Flagstaff General for fuel and $73.83 to Tractor Supply for ratchet straps. 

Deposits: $880.00  for maps. 


 Treasurer’s Report: Gloria Smith, fredgloria@msn.com 

Deposits: $272.00 for donations, $10.00 for clothing, $87.00 for 50/50 raffles and $17,638.38 from grant.

Expenses: $1216.00 to Jordan Lumber (culverts), $26.04 to Pines Market for fuel, $63.27 to Rangeley Lakes Building Supply, $5400.00 to RC McLucas for grading, $85.00 to Computer Improvements for yearly maintenance on laptop, $90.00, ATV Maine for memberships and $1086 to Arcadia Insurance. 


Secretary’s Report: Diane Wyman  

Memberships this year to date is 138 regular Members and 24 Businesses. 


Trail Master’s Report: Dale Dunlap, breezy1@tdstelme.net         

Fred finished up trail maintenance on Tim Pass, Rocky Hill and continued onto Canyon Trail as far as the trail that goes up to Kennebago Lookout. He then went to the connector trail between Eustis and Tim Pond Road to do a section there. J. L. Brochu will also be doing a section there along with a section on Elephant Head.

J.L. Brochu will then finish up with our last big project doing ditching, waterbars and grading from Nash Stream Bridge towards Quill Hill Trail. 

Wagner will be grading a section of the trail from Rt. 16 towards Quill Hill and a  part of Canyon Trail then up Kennebago Lookout.

The Excavator has been returned to Bobcat in New Hampshire. 


The 50/50 was won by Nancy Charest and the door prize was won by Fred Smith. 

Our next meeting is Sunday, October 10th, 2021 at 10:00 am at the Stratton Community Building.

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