8 members were present. The meeting was brought to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Edie Dunlap with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Presidents Report: Edie Dunlap, breezy1@tdstelme.net
The ride to Tim Pond Camps on Sunday August 21st was a beautiful day for the 31 members that attended. The meal of chicken pie was delicious with carrot cake for dessert. We will take a vote next year on the choices they will give us for a meal plan.
Our final ride of the season will be the ride to Kennebago Look Out on Sept. 24th with a rain date of October 1st. Please call (431-0922), message or e-mail me if you plan to attend so we can plan on what we need to buy for hamburgers, hotdogs and water. If everyone would bring a dish to share it would be appreciated. We will leave from Breezy Acres Camps for this ride at 10:00 and the ones from Stratton area can meet us at the intersection of SFT road and Brochu Bridge trail. If we have to delay it until Oct 1st the departure point may change. Please call to ask about any changes Edie 431-0922.
We have sent in the second request for grant money totaling $15,677.00 of which we will receive $14,109.00. We still have grading bills from Wagner and AFM to come in.
Vice President: Sandi Isgro, sandi.whitewolf@gmail.com
There is nothing new to report on the Moose Trail. Season is winding down and maybe next year a new route can be found.
Trail Master’s Account: Dale Dunlap, breezy1@tdstelme.net
Income: Deposit for map sales: $374.00
Expenses: Pines Market and Flagstaff General $376.39 for fuel, NAPA $34.38 for trailer lights.
Treasurer’s Report: Gloria Smith, fredgloria@msn.com
Income: Municipal Grant: $41,180.00, Memberships: $180.00, Donations: $105, Clothing Sales: $26.00
Expenses: US Postal Service for grant: $8.70, Acadia Insurance Company for liability insurance: $519.00, Bob Cat of NH for additional week of rental: $350.00, Walmart for envelopes & copy paper: $17.20, Walmart for printer ink: $48.41, ATV Maine: $60.00
Secretary’s Report: Diane Wyman
Memberships this year to date are 160. 124 regular members including 4 new ones and 26 businesses members.
Trail Master’s Report: Dale Dunlap, breezy1@tdstelme.net
The section of trail that goes from Canyon Trail to Kennebago Road is closed for a few days while Brochu is doing some work for Wagner to upgrade that section of the road for them. It will be re-opened by the beginning of the week.
We got some hay from the state for a few ditching and culvert jobs that we have done and will go back to finish them with spreading hay and grass seed.
We will be checking trails for any trouble spots that need to be fixed or signs that need to be replaced.
Wagner will be finishing up their grading this month for us as well as Mainely Trees for grading on AFM trails.
That will take care of the maintenance on our trails for this year.
Heather Babineau won the door prize. .
Our next meeting will be on October 9th, at 10:00 am at the Stratton Community Building.
9 members were present. The meeting was brought to order at 10:00 a.m. by President …
October 21, 202219 members were present. The meeting was brought to order at 10:00 a.m. by President …
August 16, 2022
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