President's Notes
The meeting was brought to order at 10:00am. Don welcomed the Temple ATV Club visitors and all members. The ATV Maine Newsletter was passed around. There was a second ATV Maine publication passed around that offered all members in good standing a special insurance for dismemberment. The benefit amount is $2,000. If you would like to have more information contact ATV Maine. A couple of people have already renewed their membership for next season. New applications will be sent out. Please make sure all information that you give us is current. A motion was made and passed to show associate members on our applications this year. So the application will ask if you are a Senior (60 years old and up), a regular or an associate member.
There are two sports shows coming up. The first one is in Wilton, March 23 - 25, 2007, and one week later is the show in Augusta, March 30 - April 1, 2007.. Last year we went to the show in Wilton and shared the cost with FABA, (Flagstaff Area Business Association). We will do the same this year. The shared cost of the both is $137.50 each. We will look at the Augusta Show this year and possibly elect to go next year. ATV Maine is asking folks to e-mail the Department of Conservation asking for less than a mile of trail within the Bigelow Preserve to connect our trail systems using Stratton Brook Road. If you are in favor of this you can go to the ATV Maine web site and there is a link that takes you right into the DOC web site.
Treasurer's Report
Bob went over the financial records and everything is paid up including our meeting space for next season. A motion was made and passed to accept Bob's report. For more details please contact Bob Dennett rdennett@maine.rr.com.
Membership Chair
As was said earlier there are 2 people already signed up for the new season. Ruthanne will need money for her supplies for the membership mailings and stickers, etc. A motion was made and passed to donate money to the town hall for a new ink cartridge for all the printing they allow us to do all year.
Trail Master's Report
Since the last meeting Dick and Don have met and spoken with several landowners and managers about the possibility of a few more loop trails to our system. No commitments yet but looks optimistic.
Temple ATV Club Members
The club has 100 members. There is presently not much business involvement in membership. They are also trying to work with local landowners to open up more trails. One of the largest landowners has been helpful with getting the most trails open. We thanked them for attending our meeting. If you would like more information about the Temple Club you can find it on our web site.
Next months meeting will again be at the White Wolf Inn in Stratton.
In April the monthly meetings will go back to the Community Center.
A motion was made and passed to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:55am.
There were 16 members present.