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June Newsletter
June Newsletter

President's Notes

The meeting was called to order on 6/11/06 at the Community Building at 10:00am.  Don started the meeting with a message about picking up your trash and/or others when you are riding.  Don picked up 16 cans next to the boardwalk in the mud last week.  Everyone needs to be aware and keep our trails clean.  Dick Smith and Don were called about some individuals talking to landowners to free up more space for trails.  Dick Smith our Trail Master is the only person to approve and/or add more trails.  If you have ideas please talk to the Trail Master first and allow him to move forward if feasible.  It was brought up to make new signs for semi private trails, such as a trail out of someone's neighborhood that connects to an ATV posted trail.  The club received a very nice thank you card from The Pine Tree Society for our donation.  Please note that every dollar donated stays in Maine helping Maine citizens with disabilities.  Don also read an e-mail from the Secretary of the Central Maine Trail Blazers Club giving us a suggestion for raising money for the club.  It is basically by selling advertisement on place mats, which are sold to local restaurants.  If anyone is interested in getting this project going, Sharon Thomas from Natanis will volunteer graphics for place mats.

Vice President's Notes

Sandi has been putting time into trying to set up a Mud Run for August.  She found someone to help us run the event.  The event would cost $5.00 per run or $20.00 for 5 runs. We discussed the insurance aspect of things and will do some more research before settling on something.  Jack Rivers
Is still fine with the idea of the event happening on his land.  Rodney Gagnon also knows some folks that might help with this event.  The event must be in August with hunting starting in September.  The club discussed making a weekend out of it combined with a club ride, perhaps a bon fire, concessions, a BBQ, T-shirts, and more.  A motion was made and passed to spend $500.00 on getting this event moving forward for August. Details will be forthcoming after more research.  

Trail Master's Notes

Don Plante, Dave Ellingwood, Barry Crafts and Dick Smith have rebuilt the bridge on the Salt Shed Road and hauled gravel to rebuild it.  They put in a culvert and rebuilt that section.  Barry donated $350.00 back to the club.  Don and Dick went to Old Town and got the permit for Alder Stream.  They paid $150.00.  It did not have the trails we needed so Dick had to go back the 5th and we now have a loop trail starting at Tea Pond but still no connector to our trails as Plum Creek is still holding out.  Dick has a meeting with the Warden tomorrow.  We have put a picnic table out at the bridge on the Pines Trail, made out of left over wood from other projects.  Randall and Dick have been researching a loop trail from the airport road.  We got the excavator the 3rd and Randall has cleaned up the power line behind the Irving Station and the Boralex power line.  We have closed that line for now until it has a chance to dry out.  The 6th we moved the excavator to Bag Mountain and have made good progress.  The lower wall is built up and the culverts are in.  The state delivered one pressure treated wood culvert and two water bar covers.  We are making good progress the trail is now passable.  Channel 17 wants to set up a ride the last week of June to film a segment for things to do in the Western Mountains.  We hope to get some members to go on the ride with them.  Dick ordered 50 planks from Stratton Lumber and will pick those up this week, ($568.28). The club received a hearty thank you from Tom LaPointe for his gift certificate and the good meal it provided.  He will have a new revised map for us this week with the Alder Stream Trails on it.  The cover will be different to reflect the changes from May to June.  We now have 91 miles of original trails, 21 miles in Reddington and 23 miles in Alder Stream giving us a total of 135 miles of trails.

Membership Chairperson

We now have 200 paid members of which 24 are businesses.  Family Fun Days are coming up and the club still plans to sell Strawberry Shortcake.  Marilyn Dodge is leading the charge on this along with others to get all the strawberries and cakes prepared and ready for the event.  Please note the theme for this year is the 50's.  If you would like to participate and ride your quad in the Family Fund Days parade meet in the CMP lot at 10:00am on Saturday, June 24, 2006.

Treasurer's Note's

Don addressed this portion of the meeting.  Out of $2100.00 in the trail fund we have somewhere around $600.00 left.  Money spent involved permits, gas, beverages for volunteers, and supplies for trails.  If anyone would like a detailed account for money you can contact Don Plante or Bob Dennett.

Secretary's Notes

Please remember to register your ATV's this month as your registration runs out the end of June.  The By Laws have been passed and are being sent out to all members with this newsletter.  We should have new trail maps by the end of this week.  Nancy Charest showed the new T-shirts and they are really nice.  The prices will be as follows; small and medium size will be $10.00 and large and extra large will be $12.00.  You can purchase them at Family Fun Days or at the next ATV meeting.  There will also be hats, applications for membership and new maps at Family Fun Days.

There were 24 members present for this meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25am.
The next meeting will be Sunday, July 9, 2006, 10:00am at the Community Center.

2006 Officers
President Donald Plante 246-5946 damp@tds.net
Vice President Sandi Isgro 246-2922 whwolf@tdstelme.net
Treasurer Bob Dennett 846-3996 rdennett@maine.rr.com
Trail Master Dick Smith 246-3201 dooer@tds.net
Membership Chair Ruthanne Smith 246-3201 dooer@tds.net
Secretary Nancy Hanson 246-2232 nancyanderic@gwi.net
Safety Officer Rodney Gagnon 375-4061 swayback3@netzero.net

Board of Directors
Ray Charest 654-4557 rcharest@tdstelme.net
Pete Manter 778-3186 peteedie@tds.net
Randall Erskine 246-2910 ersk1@usa.net