Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting

10/12/2014         20  guest and members were present

Meeting was brought to order at 10 a.m. by President Don Plante with the pledge of allegiance.

Presidents Report: Don Plante damp@tds.net


  • Don welcomed all to our final meeting of the season. He thanked our trail master Joe Marcoux and his crew for all the work that was accomplished on our trail system  We had a slow start due to equipment repairs but once trail work started all went as planned.
  • Thanks also to our treasurer/membership person Elaine Marcoux for her work as well. She got allot of new Business added to the club.
  • The land owners and members get together went off real well, due to all of you that made and brought food.  A huge thanks to Sandi Isgro and the White Wolf for all they do for the club.  Plaques were given out to all the land owners to show our appreciation for the use of their land that our trails encompass.
  • The Moose Loop got a lot of attention this year.  Don received lots of out of state calls and emails from people wanting to ride here.
  • Videos of visitors riding our trails are up on the web site – take a virtual ride!
  • Please make sure to check area clubs for trail closings.  As usual our trails will be open until the first groomable snow.  This is state law unless the land owner request that we close them.
  • Motion was made and seconded to donate $200 to the Stratton PTC.  Next year’s donations will change to the PTC and summer Rec program.
  • Correspondence was read from Pine Tree Society, Holiday Cards, Stratton School PTC, ATV Maine Liability Insurance.
  • We want to thank Peter Manter for all his years as a Board of Directors he is stepping down. Lee       Morin will be replacing   Peter.
  •  We are also thanking Peter Wagner website advisor for keeping our website going strong, he is resigning this year.

Vice President Report: Sandi Isgro  sandi.whitewolf@gmail.com

  •  Moose Loop is still looking for someone to sigh the loop. The person will be paid for their time, gas and food.  Please contact Sandi Isgro if you are interested.

Trail Master Report :  Joe Marcoux   erm@myfairpoint.net

  •  Sept. 22 – Elaine and I worked the on the Tim Pass Loop.
  •  Sept. 26 – Carl and I moved rocks on the Tim Pass Loop and Rocky Hill
  •  Sept. 27 – Carl and I did signage and checked trails.
  •  Sept. 28 – Jeff M. Carl and I cut trees on the Lake Loop and check trails.
  •  Oct. 9 – I checked a request on a broken bridge off Rt. 27 Carrabassett Trail.
  •  Oct. 10 – I repaired the bridge on the Carrabassett Trail
  •  Oct. 11 – Jeff, Mark M, Elaine and I cut trees and checked the Big Eye Trail.
  •  Next year we will need to build a new Stratton Bridge off Rt. 16.  The snowmobile club will also help with this bridge.
  • Fix the bridge that is part of the boardwalk in the pines.
  • Will need volunteers on brushings some of the trails as some of them are getting closed in.
  • Fix rocky trail toward rt.27 on the Carrabassett Trail
  • Work on the Power line trail in Stratton.




Treasurer & Membership Report: Elaine Marcoux  erm@myfairpoint.net

  • We did very well this year.  Last year the club ended with 145 members and this year we have 149.  Thank you so much members.  Last year I was sending over 70 newsletters and this year only 47.  Thanks to members going on line and getting email newsletters.  It certainly helps with cutting the postage cost.  Thanks to all that have donated stamps and money for stamps.
  •  We also appreciated all the support for your extra donations in the sum of $600.  We have awesome businesses and members supporting this club this year.  Thank you and have a safe winter and see you all in the spring.
  • All bills have been paid and the treasury is in good shape.The club will be placing another order on the our clothes line. If anyone would like to order any of our clothes please call Elaine 207-229-2055 or email her before Dec 15th. You can go on our Website and check out our clothes line after Nov 15th.


Election of Officers

  • ·         Don Plante – President
  • ·         Sandi Isgro – Vice President
  • ·         Treasurer/Membership – Elaine Marcoux
  • ·         Trailmaster – Joe Marcoux

About The Author


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