Club Meeting 08/14/2011

  • Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting


Authors Peter & Nancy Wagner

1.)  Meeting brought to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by President Don Plante at 10AM 11 members present

2.) Upcoming Events

  • August 27th Tim Pond Ride.  Meet at 9AM at the Pines Parking Lot.   For reservations  call Don Plante.   
  • September 10th Members and Landowners Dinner.  All are welcome at Noon at Cathedral Pines Site 1
  • The September meeting will be held at the Landowners Dinner

3.)Presidents Report:  Don Plante

  • Ruthanne Smith membership secretary going in for surgery tomorrow
  • Don Marcoux’s wife is in the hospital
  • Don Laplante’s wife MRI for knee, possible surgery
  • Bruce Marcoux is also g0ing for an operation
  • Al Briand is in recovery and doing well
  • We wish you all well and a quick recovery!!!!
  • Letters read from Joe Roeback appoligizing for digging up our trail
  • October meeting will be the election of officers.  Please let us know if anyone wishes to run
  • Insurance for our equipment- motion made and carred to pay for it

4.) Vice President Report:  Sandi Isgro

  • We will be handing out club information & Mooseloop Maps at the Kittery Info Center. September 17th &18th,  this will be free to the club. ATV Maine’s Safety Trailer will also be there.  If you can spend 2-3 hours on either day to man the booth. Please contact Sandi 246-2922

5.) Treasurers Report:  Bob Dennett

  • The club sponsored 14 kids for the Stratton Rec Program.  Thank you everyone
  • All bills are paid to date

6.)  Membership Secretary:  Ruthanne Smith

  • 241 Paid members
  • $103.50 deposited from Eclectic Treasures  Thank you

7.)  Trailmasters Report:  Dick Smith or

  • Transfer $1000.00 to trail account for lumber – motion made and carried
  • July 14th I went to Tea Pond and got their landowner permission slip
  • July 15th I took the excavator to the middle part of Tim Pass Loop and pulled rocks, filled divets and widened the waterbars.  Don and I then loaded planking for the Pines Boardwalk
  • July 16th Don, Pete, Ray, Bob Smith and I started repairing the Pines Boardwalk
  • July 20th I took the excavator to Bradbury Brook and pulled rock. filled voids, ruts and a washout halfway through
  • July 21st Don and I picked a lift of lumber.  I then went to the lower part of Bradbury Brook, filled ruts and made waterbars
  • July 22nd Neal, Mark Mercer and I cleared trails of blowdowns and signed
  • July 23rd Neal, Mark and I went to Tea Pond and redid the deck on the bridge to satisfy the forester.   Then we went to put in signposts and signs
  • July 24th Neal and Mark cleared Antler Hill and Bradbury Brook of downed trees.  Ken Targett delivered 4 loads of gravel to the trail across from Pines Market.  Cathedral Pines was kind enogh to spread it.  We thank them
  • July 7th Don and I cut cribbing for the Pines Boardwalk.  It is in really bad shape
  • July 28th Don and I started the rebuilding of the Bugeye Boardwalk
  • July 29th Don, Pete, Ray, Phil, Lee and I worked on rebuilding the Pines Boardwalk
  • August 3rd. I took the excavator to Sawyer Brook Road and backfilled the washed out culvert
  • August 5th Neal, Mark and Jeff Mercer and I cut and cleared Coyote Alley in Alder Stream and explored Delaware Gap for the last time.  It is a NO GO!
  • August 6th I took the excavator to TIm Pass Loop to fix the washed out culverts and the washout and fixed the brook and the bridge.  I put barricades and ditches to keep the riders out of the brook
  • August 11th I took the excavator to the Pines Boardwalk and cut cribbing and did 2 1/2  sections
  • August 12th Pete and I did 5 more sections of the Pines Boardwalk
  • August 13th I did the Sawyer Brook Loop and put up more signs and cleared foliage from older signs

8.)New Business

  • Mooseloop problems, signs fading to white
  • Reported that someone drove off Brochu Bridge, we know you can’t do that.  Don will investigate to find out what really happened.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30

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