August 8th, 2015, 34 guest and members were present.
Meeting was brought to order at 12:00p.m. By President Don Plante at the Tim Pond Camps
Welcome all our Members and Guest.
Treasurer Report: Elaine Marcoux
We are doing fine on our savings at this time of year. We have paid out this month $ 100.00 ATV ME and $306.00 for Trail master supplies and gas. Total was $306.00. We took in $190.00 for memberships and $165.00 for maps. Check from Snowmobile Club for the repair on Stratton Bridge for $300.00. Total was $655.00
I just wanted to let everyone know that our map creator Tom Lapointe has done an AWESOME job with our maps this year. He has changed the map over three times for us this year to make it as easiest as possible to read correctly. We have 194.5 miles of trails. Thank You Tom !
Presidents Report: Don Plante
A ride to Tea Pond Lodge will be Aug 22 Saturday, rain or shine, a hot lunch will be provided for $10.00. Be at Eustis Parking lot at 9:00 ride will start at 9:15. Call Don Plante if you are planning on going no later than the Aug 19th at 246-5946.
At our Sept 12th meeting which will be an informal meeting, as this one is at the Landowners Picnic which will be held at Site #1 off Eustis Ridge Rd. This is located across from the entrance of Cathedral Pines Campground. Signs will be on the road. (Plan A) at Cathedral Pines, if a Rain day (plan B) will be at the Community Building in Stratton Main St at 12 noon. Menu this year is Meatballs, AmericanChopSuey, Chicken drumsticks, Hot Dogs, Potato salad, Pasta salad, American Mac Cheese, Coleslaw, soda, water and many Desserts.
Bought another ½ lift of lumber this past week and crews/nails.
Need to transfer money from savings to trail acct. $2,000.00 was motioned and approved.
Excavator is down with bearing problems. We’re exhausted all our resources around here to get these parts repaired, not possible. Our last resort is to have these parts sent to us from Japan. This can be done through Sparky out of Rangeley. We’re checked with him and it will cost over $2,000.00 for parts and this doesn’t include shipping. Motion was approved to going head and order parts. It was told it would take two to three weeks to get the parts after being ordered.
Members motioned to aloud Joe and Don to look for equipment with a $500.00 down payment until we meet again for a discuss on other equipment.
Vice President Report: Sandie Isgro
No Reports at this time.
Membership Report: Elaine Marcoux
Membership as of now for the year is 154; last year at this time was 144. It was voted to take off the Associate Membership off our application form for next year. Most club don’t have it on their apps. It was discuss at an earlier meeting and in agreement to change it later. We will be changing the renewal app next month.
We are still looking for a Secretary for the Club. One hour a month, 6 to 8 months a season. If interested please call Don Plante at 246-5946
Our Raffle winner was Nell Morin of $27.00. He donated it back to the Club.
Trail Master Report: Joe Marcoux
July 21 Carl did brushing from power line to salt shed.
July 23 Carl and I repaired the bridge on the lake loop.
July 24 Carl and I put up the signs for the Billion Pins to Quill Hill/Rangeley trail.
July 26 Elaine and I cut trees, signage, brushing Tim Pass loop.
July 30 Carl did brushing Stratton power line.
July 31 Joe G, Carl and I did brushing on the swamp loop.
Aug 1 Carl, Jeff, Joyce and I did signage and cutting trees Tim pass loop.
We signed the contact for the 2 mile stretch of trail that takes you from intersection 21 to Rangeley Trail and Quill Hill from the landowners of Billion Pines. This trail has reopened again.
Twenty seven (27) guest and members were present. Meeting was brought to order at 10:00 AM. By …
October 13, 2016We had 18 guest and members were present for the last meeting of the season. …
October 14, 2015
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