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Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting-7/11/2010

July 11, 2010  Authors Peter & Nancy Wagner

1.) Meeting brought to order at 10AM by President Don Plante.  The meeting started with the Pledge of  Alligiance.  27 members in attendance.

2.) Presidents Report:  Don Plante

  • Family Fun Days –  Special thanks to the members that maned the club booths, Nancy and Ray Charest , Edie and Peter Manter, Phil Hill,   Jeff and Linda Bureau.
  • Thanks to Dick and Ruthanne for making our costumes.  We won a trophy for “Favorite” display and it is displayed at the White Wolf Inn.  Thanks to everyone for making the day a huge success.
  • Robin Cottle of Stratton won the Lobster Raffle.  Congratulations!!
  • There will be a meeting of the High Peaks Alliance and the area ATV clubs at the White Wolf on July 14th at 7PM  to discuss a connecting trail between the clubs and towns.
  • August 4th will be the kids ride.  We need 12-14 ATV’s with queen seats to be here to take the kids out on the ride.  Helmets are required.  Contact Don if you are available.
  • Motion made and carried to give the town of Eustis $50.00 for ink and paper used for newsletters
  • Discussion about a club ride.  Motion made to ride to Rangeley on August 7th.  The ride will leave from Pines Parking Lot Rain or Shine at 9 AM.  The next meeting will take place before or during the ride .  Restaurant for lunch to be announced.  (Most probably Parkside & Main)
  • On Saturday September 18 at Cathedral Pines Campground Site#2 there will be a Club Picnic and Landowner Appreciation Celebration.  All club member and landowners are invited.

3.) Vice Presidents Report:  Sandi Isgro

  • We have quotes on Liability Insurance from Cole Harrison Agency.  Membership made a motion & carried it to allow the board to make a decision this week.
  • Riders from PA thanked us for our work on the trails and allowing them to ride.

4.) Membership Secretary:  Ruthanne Smith

  • As of today our paid membership stands at 224.  Once again I want to thank everyone that has donated items for our “Eclectic Treasures” trail fundraiser.  I will remind everyone that this sale will continue thru October, any and all gently used or new items donated for sale will be very much appreciated.  You may drop off  items at the White Wolf and I will pick them up to be sold.

Treasures Report:  Bob Dennett

  • We have paid all bills up to date
  • Fund raisers and donations are welcome

5.) TrailmastersReport:  Dick Smith

  • June 15th Neal and I finished clearing the connector between Sawyer Brook Road and Black Mountain Road, a waste of time as they are now logging that section.
  • June 16th and 17th I took the excavator to Big Sag Road and put in 4 culverts and burried 11 more.
  • I replanked the big trailer and rewelded the fenders.
  • June 20th Don and I went to the ATV Maine meeting in Mexico.
  • June 24th and 25th I picked up a bunch of 8×8’s,  6×8’s, and 12×12 beams, 35 in all, delivered some of them to Tim Pass Bridge site.  I replaced decking and 2 beams on the Truck Bridge on Big Sag Road.
  • June 28th Neal, Jeff, Don and I signed the Tim Pass Loop
  • June 29h, 30th and 31st I graded and put in waterbars at Tim Pass.
  • July 1st I repaired the “optional” boardwalk on the Stratton Trail.  Someone had driven off  the side and broke it up getting their quad back on it.  Don repaired broken planks on the Pines Trail.
  • July 2nd I built a bridge at the base of Tim Pass.
  • July 7th I went to both ends of Tim Pass and put in Jeep stoppers.
  • July 8th and 9th I cleared the Tim Pass Trail of brush.
  • July 10th I signed Plum Creek Road.

The meeting adjourned at 11:30.


Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting-06/13/2010

Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting 6/13/2010

April 14th, 2010 Author Nancy Wagner

1.)  Meeting brought to order at 10Am with the Pledge of Allegiance  by President Don Plante, 27 members present.

2.) Presidents Report:  Don Plante

  • The club received a thank you letter from Melody Chase,  president of FABA for our donation to Family Fun Days
  • Family Fun Day parade is June 26th.  The parade starts at 11AM, lineup will be at 10AM at the CMP building.  The theme this year will be ” God Bless America”.  Lets all show our spirit and decorate for the occasion. 
  • The raffle for the lobsters will be drawn that day.
  • The date of the ride for the kids from the Summer Rec Program will be Wednesday August 4th, rain or shine.  Show up at 8:30 for the 9AM departure from the Pines parking lot in Eustis.  They will get back to the club as to how many will participate.
  • The date for the next ATV Maine meeting is June 19th.  The location has been changed to the Masonic Lodge at Mexico.  Don, Dick and Bob will attend that meeting to discuss a 3 day permit for non resident riders.
  • Jon Roebuck from Life Flight did a very informative presentation.  It was noted that in 2005 there was close to a call a week for Life Flight.  After the meeting Dick and Neal planned on taking J.R. on a tour to 2 of the 4 landing sites that we have established.

3.) Vice President Sandra Isgro not in attendance

4.) Bob Dennett not in attendance

5.)Membership report Ruthann Smith

  • At this time we have 211 paid members
  • I would like to thank everyone that donated items for our space at the Eclectic Treasures.  I’m happy to report that to date we have made $177.05 toward our trail fund.  I also want to mention that our time at “ET” is a continuing project.  We will be there until the end of October, so we are still  looking for your donation of items to be sold.  If you have a gently used or new item to donate we would greatly appreciate your leaving it at the White Wolf for pick up.
  • Our last purchase of lumber showed an increase in cost. Things are starting to go up – not good news!!
  • Peter Wagner our new Web Advisor is doing a great job.  I think we can all agree that the site is looking great. People from away are checking it out and making inquiries.  Peter is very happy to respond and give them all the information they are looking for.  Thank you Peter, we really appreciate the time you give to our club.

6.) Trailmasters Report Dick Smith

  • After the last meeting Neal and I picked up the telephone pole that was donated to the club, put up a signpost at the End of Lake Loop.  Don checked and cleared the Carrabassett Trail.  I took  the excavator to the End of the Lake and ditched, drained and graded the trail.  I went to Sawyer Brook Loop (Alder Stream end) and ditched and graded the trail.  Neal and Jeff checked and cleared Antler Hill, Bradbury Brook (which we had to close because of Logging,) and the Stratton trail.  I ditched and graded down to the boardwalk on the Stratton Trail.
  • May 22nd Neal, Jeff,Birch, Mike Lee, Bob and I stared to rebuild the boardwalk
  • May23rd Neal, Jeff, Bob and I finished up the boardwalk
  • May 25th I opened the North Branch Bridge and cleared the trail into Hershals Gulch
  • May 26th I met with the Wagner forester and rode Tim Pass Black Mountain Trail.(a proposed new loop)
  • May 27th I met with Brian Mulligan the state trail coordintor, rode out to Tim Pass and he made recommendations on waterbars and a bridge.  I picked up 1/2 lift of lumber, Neal, Mark and I cleared and signed Sawyer Brook Loop.  Neal, Mark, Don and I repaired the boardwalk on Sawyer brook. (an uprooted tree picked it up and broke it)
  • May 30th Neal, Mark and I signed, hauled lumber and cut cribbing for boardwalks on the powerline.  Ray, Pete, Jeff and Phil cleared the Natanis Trail
  • May 31st Neal, Mark and I did sign work  and rode the Butler Brook Loop
  • June 3rd John, Neal, Gap and I of the Carrabassett Club worked on boardwalks on the powerline, we finished them on the 5th.  I delivered 2 more telephone poles to the Barnard Meadow, picked up 2 culverts from End of the Lake for Tim Pass
  • June 8th I took the excavator to the Bugeye boardwalk and cleared rocks and reshimmed.  I took the quad and cleaned up the old lumber from the boardwalk on the Stratton Trail and took it to the dump
  • June 11th  The Wagner forester called an said we could have Black Mountain Tim Pass Loop.  I took the brush saw and started clearing the trail.
  • June 11th took the excavator to the Black Mountain Road and fixed two culverts and started grading the trail.
  • June 12 Neal and I went to the end of Sawyer Brook Road and put in a box culvert.   Neal cleared with brush saw and I graded the trail.

Meeting adjourned

Next meeting July 11

Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting-5/16/2010


Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting – 05/16/2010

May 16, 2010/Author Peter  & Nancy Wagner

1.  Meeting brought to order at 10 AM by President Don Plante 

2. Presidents Report: Don Plante

  • Our club is represented on FABA’s new booth backdrop.
  • Don’t forget Family Fun Days, June 25,26,27.   Theme “God Bless America”  Decorate your ATV, ride with the club in the parade.  Buy fried dough boys & strawberry shortcakes at our booth.
  • FABA asked for a donation to help with Family Fun Days events $100.  Motion made and passed.
  • All lobster raffle tickets have been sold.  Drawing will be held Family Fun Days.
  • Cathedral Pines landowners & club member appreciation day will be September 18th.
  • Club would like to host the Stratton Rec Dept kids ride.  Date t0 be set.
  • The club voted to buy insurance on our equipment for $335.00.
  • Motion made & carried to transfer funds to the trail fund so we can continue working.

3. Vice Presients Report: Sandi Isgro

  • Our club board is talking to State representatives about a weekend pass with lower registration fees for out of state riders.

4. Treasurers report: Bob Dennett

  • Bills are paid to date.  Funds are still coming in from memberships and the lobster raffle
  • Motion made & carried to sponsor Bob in the Tour de Cure (for diabetes) $100.00

5. Membership Secretary:  Ruthanne Smith

  • 195 paid members to date.
  • Thanks to all members who have donated & are donating their used goods to our  Eclectic Treasures booth.  We intend to sell lots of “treasures” to fund work on the trails.

6. Trail Master Report:   Dick Smith

  • April 21 – Don and I went to Old Town with Carrabassett.  The counsel ok’d the transfer of the trail to Carrabassett ATV.  They turned down my request for the side roads in Alder Stream.  I talked with Jon Roebuck of Life Flight and set up with him to come up to our June 13 meeting to do a presentation.  I picked up a half  lift of  lumber in Stratton and Don and I unloaded and stacked it.  I took the excavator to the top of  Bugeye and graded the rock pile as best I could  Neal, Mark, Jeff and I cleared and put in metal signposts and signed the Eustis Split Rock and Pines trails.  I took the excavator to the center section of the Eustis trail and graded it.  I took the excavator to the end of the Airport road and grated the trail, put in water bars and drained waterholes up to the rocks.  I took the excavator to the End of the Lake Loop and graded, ditched, and cut blowdowns to the halfway point.  Neal and I picked up 4 telephone poles and delivered them to the meadow at Barnard then delivered 30 planks to the board walk on the Stratton trail.  I am planning a work party for Saturday May 22nd.  We will meet at the end of the 1st road to the left on the Rangeley Road between 8:30 and 9:00.  If you are later just follow the trail in.  Rubber boots and quads are mandatory for your comfort.  If you need any more information feel free to call Dick at 246-3201

7. New Business

  • Trails intend to open May 28
  • Carrabassett Club intends to open May 28
  • Any members wishing to help the club on trail work e-mail or call Dick Smith for a note.  This note will make it legal for you to be on our trail before the open.
  • We do not have all landowner permission for dirt bikes, motorcycles, or duel sport vehicles to be on our trails
  • We will mark our trails that are available to bikes which we do have landowner permission for.
  • Members suggested our logo include Maine so we are not confused with Arizona.

Meeting adjourned at 11:12 am

Next Meeting will be on June 13.

Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting – 4/11/2010

Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting – 4/11/2010                                                                                                                         Authors Nancy & Peter Wagner 

1.) Meeting brought to order at 10 AM by President Don Plante  21 members in attendance  

2.) Presidents Report:   Don Plante

  • Opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Welcomed Neil Trask and John McCatherine from the Carrabasett ATV Club
  • Thanks to all who manned the club booth at the Wilton Sportsman’s Show
  • NOTE:  Next year we will need to have a raffle;  it seems other clubs are using it to cover the cost of the booth 
  • Lobster Bake raffle tickets are on sale.  Sponsored by the Lions and ATV clubs.  It is a good money maker for us.  $5.00  a ticket.  See any of us to buy one or call Don.
  • Family Fun Days June 26th.  Crew will be selling Strawberry Short Cakes and Doughboys.
  • Business Member-Arnold Trail Quality Fuel will be under new management, we will need to talk to the new owners about the trail.
  • Carrabassett Trail:  Carrabassett Club now has 12 members. We requested Alder Stream and Carrabassett Trail from the Penobscott Nation, we would like to transfer the Carrabassett trail to the new Carrabassett Club.  Motion made and carried to help the Carrabassett Club pay for the Carriage trail this year so that their club can pick up the mileage.  Dick and Don will go with Neil and John to the meeting in Old Town to help them with the process.

3.) Vice Presidents Report:  Sandi Isgro

  • We have had requests for extra large and small sizes of our vests.  Should we order more?  Motion made and carried to order a dozen vests and a dozen hooded sweatshirts.
  • A money maker for the club. There is an opening at the Eclectic Treasures for $10.00 a week.  Members can drop off items such as furniture, tools, dishes, pots, pans, handbags, crafts etc.. to the White Wolf anytime.  We will get it to Eclectic Treasures.  This is a great way to help the club and clean out our basements.  Motion made and carried to try it out.

4.) Membership SecretaryRuthanne Smith

  • 159 paid members
  • Chuck Estes, thank you for the generous donation to help with postage
  • Stickers came in and will be distributed in memberships

5.) Treasurers ReportBob Dennett

  • Excavator repair of $640.00 has been paid
  • Winch will be paid when the bill comes in
  • Side by side needs to be registered.  Don will take care of it with the trail fund
  • Insurance for club equipment is being sent out for bid
  • Thank you to Ron Francoeur for the donation of the lobsters to help our club

6.) Trail Master ReportDick Smith

  •  I have put up the stop signs because of mud with the tentative date for opening of May 28.  I talked to the Plum Creek forester and he will look at my request at the end of April.  Phil Hill is looking into getting us some metal sign posts.  We have the excavator back and I painted it.  I checked to see if the North Branch Bridge was closed and it was and I will check Brochu Bridge this afternoon.

7.) New business: 

  • Neil Trask gave us an update on the new multipurpose bridge to be built over the Carrabassett River
  • Barry Craft – We need to start thinking about our landowner’s appreciation picnic.  He offered to do a pig roast again.  Thank you.  Don will contact Cathedral Pines Association for a site for the picnic
  • Peter Wagner (Web Advisor) asked for pictures and any other items that anyone would like to put on the web site

Meeting adjourned at 11:10 AM

NOTE: This will be the last newsletter mailed to non club members

Next Meeting is May 16th












The FAATV Club has purchased a spot at the “ECLECTIC TREASURES” in Stratton and is looking for items to be sold to benefit the club. They are looking for a wide selection of gently used or new items to be sold to benefit the club. We`re all cleaning out our closets and garages at this time of year. You bought it once, someone else may want it now.
Examples are dressers, tables, craft items, tools, sports items, dishes, pots and pans, etc. A lady knows jewelery is always irresistible!
Donations may be dropped off at the White Wolf Restaurant in Stratton. We will be setting up our display soon with opening day scheduled for the start of the Memorial Day weekend May 28th. Don`t forget, when coming up to camp be sure to stop in, you may have forgotten something and we may have exactly what you need. Also, browsing is always fun!
All donated items will be greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to starting work on the trails but like everything else it does come at a price.
For questions you may contact:
Sandi Isgro 207-246-2922