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Daily Archives: May 23, 2017

Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting Minutes – May 21, 2017

Thirty (30) guests and members were present. The meeting was brought to order at 10:00 am by President Edie Dunlap with the pledge of allegiance.


Presidents Report: Edie Dunlap —

  • Club ride to Tim Pond Camps will be July 15 rain or shine the food will be with or without cheese on burgers, hot dogs, potatoes salad and chips, cake, ice tea, lemonade, coffee, and water, platters of tomatoes, onion etc.   We have to have head count by July 8th if you would like to go. Please call Edie Dunlap at 643-2920 Cost is $12.00 p.p. and $2.00 tip p.p.  The money will be collected at the parking lot or on a break time. We will post it again in the June minutes also.
  • Club ride to Red Onion Restaurant in Rangeley will be August 19th rain or shine the food that you can pick from is one of 5 lunches, Really Good Burger with fries, Grilled Chicken sandwich with fries, Turkey Ranch Wrap with fries, Pastrami Reuben with fries or Small one  topping pizza. Plus your choice of soda, ice tea, coffee, lemonade and water, homemade chocolate chip cookie $12.00 p.p. and $2.00 tip p.p.  If anyone is interesting in going we will need head count before August 13th  please call Edie Dunlap at 643-2920 if you call make sure you say which one of the rides you are going on and remember if you cancel please call back to cancel.
  • Foliage Club Ride possibilities was table to a later date.
  • Family Fun Day is June 24th Saturday theme is Pirates of Flagstaff, we need help at the Strawberry shortcake table and clothes/membership table.  Please call Edie Dunlap if you can help 643-2920. Anyone wishing to ride in the Parade please meet at the CMP Garage at 10:15a.m decorate your ATV’s.
  • Amendment to amend motion to give the landowners a Magnetic Postcard with clubs phone number and game wardens number on it for a call if needed for any wrong doings on their property. 1800-452-4664.
  • Donation to Sugarloaf Marathon Charity Run was carried to pay $100.00.

Vice President Report:  Sandi Isgro —

  • Moose Loop Trail is being worked on and hope that will be lots of good riding this year.
  • Municipal Grant has been submitted to the State. We want to thank Jimmy for helping us on short notice and getting the info we needed to finalize that grant.   We have to send out many many thanks to Edie, Sandie and Zythea Berry for ALL the hard work done also.

Treasurer Report:  Elaine Marcoux —

  • We have paid out $2,099.50.  Little League – $100.00, Flagstaff Flag – $35.00, Family Fun Day – $50.00, Regis new trailer – $77.00, Tom our map person – $200.00, Maps – $343.00, Website bill – $312.50, ATV Me memberships – $910.00, stamps for packets – $70.00.
  • We deposited $2,316.00. Memberships – $1,610.00, Clothes – $136.00, Donations – $170.00, Maps – $440.00.(110 sold)
  • As we start our season as of now we are doing o.k.
  • 50/50 Raffle was won by Phil Hill – $17.00.

Membership Report: Elaine Marcoux  —

  • We are doing very well so far this year we have 129 members, last year at the time 122.
  • All packets will be mailed out May 22, 2017.
  • With regret our Secretary Rosemarie has stepped down for personal reasons.  We want to thank her for getting us up and running for our memberships this season.
  • As of now we are in need of a Secretary for the club, this position is a lot of fun and great members to speak with and hang out with.  If interested and just need it explained to what is required please call Elaine Marcoux 207 229 2055, or Edie Dunlap 207 643 2920?

Trail Master Report:  Joe Marcoux —

  • April 30 – Joe and Carl cut trees on the plum creek road.
  • May 3-4 – Joe, Carl and Joe G. Rebuilt Plum Creek bridge.
  • May 18 – Joe and Carl checked out Carrabassett and Billions Pine trail need to repair a bridge and replace a couple of culverts.
  • May 19 – Joe and Carl worked on the new bone yard trail making drainage per request of landowners.
  • May 20 – Joe, Carl and Elaine checked out Swamp, Cannon loop and Tea Pond trail, cut trees, move trees and picked up trash.
  • Shane and Joe G have been working on fixing signage and replacing with new signs.
  • Need to call Wagner on Cannon Loop saw logging equipment in that area.
  • Quill Hill and its trail, per landowner not opening until June 24, 2017.
  • Scott Stevens asked about the new rules on ONLY ATV’S 60”wide allowed.   Landowners are requesting these signs giving by the state of Maine to be put up on landowners property, this is our whole trail system please request the Landowners REQUEST!  It will be enforced. Or we will lose our TRAILS!
  • All members are encouraged to take pictures of anyone on ATV’s destroying our trails or breaking the rules and send the picture to the warden service at  or call 1800-452-4664.
  • Trails open per landowners on the 27th of May 2017.  Enjoy and travel safe remembers respect the landowners land or we will LOSE IT!

Next month’s club meeting is Sunday, June 11th at the Community Hall in Stratton at 10:00 a.m. Please join us!