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Daily Archives: March 9, 2015

Flagstaff ATV Club Meeting Minutes March 8th 2015

Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting Minutes March 2015

March 8, 2015,         23    guest and members were present.

Meeting was brought to order at 10:00a.m. By President Don Plante with the pledge allegiance.

Welcomed all Guest and Members

Treasurer Report: Elaine Marcoux/

  • We got our Grant money last October in the sum of $7,600.00. We are doing very well to start our year of 2015.


Presidents Report:  Don Plante

  • Phone calls from all across the U.S. and Canada expressing interest in our trails. Members report other calls from people requesting information also.
  • Thank You Cards from the Stratton PTC and Western Me Community Action for our Donations.
  • April 18, Brewer Me. Annual ATV Maine Banquet, anyone interested in going please contact Don Plante. Club has voted to send someone to represent us.
  • Club voted to rejoin FABA $100.00 membership motion made and seconded.
  • 2015 Spring appeal for the Pine Tree Society $ 100.00, club voted and approved.
  • Club voted to send a sweatshirt and one night stay at The White Wolf Inn in Stratton for Al Langeley Scholarship Fund Auction.
  • Don will investigate further our clubs liability insurance.
  • Club voted to pay for the use of the Community building for our meetings and copying documents $120.00.
  • New ATC Club in Oquossoc is working on a trail to Rangeley.


Vice Presidents Report: Sandie Isgro

  • We have an issue that we are working on with the state and landowners to keep the trail from Rangeley to Phillips/Strong. At this point this section is closed on April 1st to ALL traffic ATV and Snowmobiles.


Membership Report:  Elaine Marcoux

  • Mailed out over 175 renewals on Feb 26th.   I’ll be mailing out all the renewal packets the end of the second week of May after we update our 2015 Trail Map.
  • As of today we have 33 renewals and 5 are Businesses. I have 10 news letters to be sent out.
  • We bought another order of our clothes line. Go on line and check out the store icon on our website.
  • Our 50 / 50 raffle was $15.00 going to Eddie Manter.


Trail Master Report:  Joe Marcoux

  • Once the snow is gone we will start on the Stratton Bridge by Rt 16
  • Working on the Boardwalk in the Pines.
  • Volunteers will be needed to do Brushing on some Trails. Please contact me when you are in the area and can help on this.
  • Work on the Bone Yard Bridge
  • Fix the rocky area toward the Carrabassatt Trail.
  • Work the power line trail in Stratton


Next meeting is April 12, 2015