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June Newsletter

June 07 - Newsletter

President's Notes
Don started the meeting started at 10:00am. The group had a moment of silence for Edie's Birthday, (ha ha).  ATV Maine is looking at insurance to cover club events.  The cost to the individual club would be $500.00 per year and would cover 4 events per season.  It will be voted on at ATV Maine's meeting this month.  There was some discussion of making everyone join a club; there were many pros and cons.  Don read an article about how the land liability act protects property owners.  If there is a legal trail on the land the property owners are covered.

Vice President's Notes
Dick is to report his mileage monthly.  There was a motion carried to pay him $.40 per mile.  Sandy was asked Dick to give her a trail map indicating difficulty of trails to post at the White Wolf.

Treasurer's Notes
We are looking very well financially.  Money is coming in from memberships.  More will be coming in from Family Fun Days, June 30, 2007. The theme this year is "Campfires and Canoes".  If you want to ride in the parade meet on Route 16 at the DOT salt shed.  The parade starts at 10:00am so we should gather 9:00am - 9:30am to register.  Bob also would like to send our T-shirt order out for bids to see if we can get a better price and maybe a different T-shirt, vest or sweatshirt.  We will be buying another canopy for the strawberry shortcake booth that we have at Family Fun Days.
Membership Chairperson
We presently have 216 members and 18 are sponsors. Please remember that we have items for sale on our web site.  If you would like to list something you can contact our Web master Jay Hanna at   ATVFlgstff@aol.com

Trail Master's Notes
Dick gave shirts out to all members that have worked over 40 hours, Ray Charest, Pete Manter, Don Plante, Randall Erskine, Dick Smith, Ruthanne Smith, Lee Morin and Phil Hill.  After the May 13th meeting Dick and Neal Blaney walked and flagged a trail on the Stoney Brook Preserve land.  
Doug Hayes and crew worked on clearing the Alder Stream Loop.  On May 14th, Don, Neal and Dick worked on reinstalling the Bugeye Boardwalk
that they took up for the snowmobile club.  Dick, Don and Bob went to Turner and picked up the new dump trailer.  The cost of that was $1150.00.  Don and Dick walked the Preserve Trail with the manager and
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Dick picked up the land permit from the water district.  They finished the Bugeye Boardwalk.  Dick checked the Kennebago Bridge and it was ok.  
Dick GPS'd the bridge and locations for the DEP permit at Tim Pond Road and Barnard Pond.  Dick checked part of the new end of the Lake Loop.  He also spoke to SFT about the trail opening date and it was set at June 4th.  Don cleared downed trees from Pines to Eustis and got stuck and walked out for help.  Dick wired the new trailer and cut stock and delivered to the end of Lake Trail.  Don and Dick picked up and unloaded our lift of lumber the cost was $1065.79.  Don, Neal, Bill and Dick picked up telephone poles for the bridges and delivered them to the sites, then cut and signed back half of Split Rock Loop.  Doug Hayes and crew finished clearing Alder Stream Loop to at least make it passable.  Dick widened the Senior Citizen's Bridge on the Pines Trail and went to the Carrabassett selectmen's meeting and got the OK to use the paved part of the Carriage Road.  Don, Ruthanne and Dick shoveled and spread a 10 -wheeler load of gravel at the Pines Parking lot exit to trails as it had washed out.  They then started the same job behind the Irving Gas Station.  Don, Pete, Ray and Lee spread the other load behind the Irving, making the power line a little more pleasant to travel.  Don and Dick re-leveled the low spots on the Pines Boardwalk, took down the trails closed signs, unlocked the bridges and posted for logging trucks.  Ruthanne and Dick drained a big water hole on the Power line and finished the gravel.  Don, Marianne, Ruthanne and Dick put in 2 water bars on the Split Rock Trail and cleared downed trees.  Dick printed and delivered the new maps to the businesses, which put 65 miles on the truck.  Dick did some riding and signing at the Airport Road.  SFT has given us permission on their part at the Carrabassett Connection.  That makes all the landowner permits complete.  That took two years of meetings.  Don, Pete, Doug Hayes and his daughter Abbi cleared the Tea Pond into Alder Stream area of downed trees to the big bridge where they put in the center support then rode the rest of the loop, (it is a challenging ride).  Abbi cooked us lunch that day, so thanks to her.  

The meeting adjourned at 11:15am
There were 18 members present