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September Newsletter

President's Notes
The club gathered at the Masonic Lodge in Stratton this week.  The meeting was started with Don welcoming everyone.  Nancy introduced her husband Eric who was at his first meeting this season.  Don shared an information letter with the club from the Hatfield- McCoy club based out of Virginia.  Included in the letter was a map of their trail system, some ads and specials going on in their area. They have one of the largest privately owned trail systems in the US.  If you would like to check out more information about them go to www.boarsnestatvlodging.com.
There is a calendar sale going on again and clubs that participate will get one dollar donated to their club for each calendar sold.
Don also went over the latest issue of the ATV Maine Newsletter.  There will be a ride on September 30, 2006 for Toys for Tots.  The Western ME ATV Club, Canton Trail Riders and Mountain view ATV Club, are sponsors for the ride.  Riders interested should meet at Jacks Logging in West Farmington at 9:00am - 9:45am to register. The ride will start promptly at 10:00am and go to Canton to drop off toys and donations, then on to Jay for a free Barbecue.  Please bring either new unwrapped toys or a cash donation.  If any local members would like to donate but can't ride that day you can drop off a donation at the White Wolf Inn in Stratton.  For more information please call Bob Dalot at 207-897-2926 or Chris Currier at 207-293-2190.  A motion was made and passed for our club to donate $100 to the Toys for Tots program.  Ray Charest volunteered to take all donations down to Canton from our area, many thanks to Ray and Nancy.  The Pine Tree Society is selling holiday cards; if you would like more information on that please call Don.  Don took the time to thank all the volunteers that have worked so hard this year.  We believe the local merchants did well this summer from folks coming up to ride our trails.
The snowmobilers should have a good season and help continue our economic growth throughout the area.  Special thanks to Trail master - Dick Smith and his wife Ruthanne for all their hard work along with Pete, Randall, Charlie, Phil, Lee and all of the others that came out and worked hard on trails this summer.  The club appreciates all the efforts of our volunteers in all capacities.  We have had great comments from riders that have come up this year and used the trails.  Remember next month elections are open to anyone that may want to be more involved. If interested come to next months meeting and throw your hat in the ring.

Membership Chair
As of today we have 294 members!  We've come a long way since year one with 42 members.
Treasurer's Notes
There is a small discrepancy with the checking account so Bob will sit down with the bank and find out exactly where the issue is.  A motion was made and passed to accept the statement as is.  Bob will update us at the next meeting.  If you would like more information, contact Bob Dennett.

Trail Master's Notes
August 13th Dick re-signed the new connector trail to Tea Pond and put up a sign at the Alder Stream Trail stating that those trails close on the 15th of this month.  On the 14th Randall and Dick went to the Plum Creek office in Bingham to check their map for the correct boundaries for the proposed trail pass at Bugeye Pond.  Ray, Pete, Phil, Lee, Don and Dick walked it and decided it was too steep in places for quads to pass safely.  We purchased our new chain saws, $545.90 from Brady's in Farmington.  August 18th, Dick cleared our trail next to the Airport Road that the skidders used and talked to the camp owner on Lone Pine Road.  He said it was all right with him that we pass by his camp.   On August 19th Pete, Phil, Charlie, Ruthanne and Dick went on a photo shoot with Nadine from channel 17 and her son. They did a 63-mile loop and it went well.  She wants to ride Alder Stream before it closes.  On August 26th Ray, Pete, and Lee cleaned debris off the new connector trail.  On August 29th Brian Bronson dropped off the grass mats for Bag Mountain.  On August 30th Dick mailed out the grant request.  On September 1st Dick cleared a culvert on the Natanis Trail of a beaver dam.  On September 4th Dick cleared the culvert again.  On September 5th Dick had a short meeting with Dick Scott (SFT) and the two trails are still under consideration.  On September 6th Don and Dick cleared that culvert again and put in pipes to keep it drained down, they also opened up a culvert at about mile 8 on the Natanis Trail and the 9th of September they walked the bypass trail and decided to put their efforts into improving the existing trail.
The floor was opened and it was brought up that there is a ride next Saturday planned to start at Irving in Stratton at 8:30am.  The ride will be to Rangeley and back.  Bring food and extra gas if you need it.  

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00am
There were 23 members present
Next meeting will be back at the Community Center on October 8th at 10:00am.