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Monthly Archives: April 2014


Flagstaff Area ATV Club Meeting

04/13/2014 23 members were present at the White Wolf Inn

Meeting was brought to order at 10 am by President Don Plante.

Presidents Report: Don Plante

  • The May meeting will be back at the Community Building as the refinishing of the floor will be done.  The May meeting is Sunday, May 18th at 10 am.
  • Please mark you calendars for the following dates:  May 24 Flagstaff Fuel celebration,  June 28 for Family Fun Days, September 13 will be set aside for Landowner Appreciation and club member picnic at Cathedral Pines Campground.
  • Lobster Raffle tickets will be coming out soon.  Please look for them in your package.
  • MEMBER ALERT!  Your renewal package may not be sent out until the end of May.  We are working on landowner approval of trails and print the maps for your package.  As soon as we have it even if it is earlier we will get it promptly out to members.
  • Please tell your friends that ride dirt bikes or motorcycles, landowners have informed State Officials that the do not want them on their land no matter how the machine is registered.
  • Club members voted to pay one half of the cost to replace the Brochu Bridge sign that was vandalized.  The snowmobile club will pay for the other half of the sign.
  • Club members voted to pay for the following expenses:  Sugarloaf Marathon Charitable Trust $100, Website $200, Post Box rent $34 and Pine Tree Society $100.

Vice President Report:  Sandi Isgro

  • Members voted to allow Sandi to put a club history on the website to educate people about our landowners and the trails.

Treasurer & Membership Report:  Elaine Marcoux

  • Treasurer:  The club is doing well with the renewals coming in and no expenses other than our membership dues and the postal box rent and the Community Building cost.
  • Membership:  As of today we have 92 members.  Last year at this time we had 62 members.
  • We have 12 members that have volunteered to help with trail work.  Joe Marcoux will call when help is needed
  • Out of 92 members, we are sending out 34 newsletters.
  • We have received over 100 postage stamps.  This is very much appreciated and thank you.
  • Our members are awesome. We have received over $425 in money donations.  Again awesome and thank you.

Trailmaster Report:  Joe Marcoux

  • Boardwalk trail is first on the list for repairs after the snow melts.
  • Joe will talk to Jim Brochu about changing the Power Line trail

The winner of this month’s 50/50 raffle was Richard Korhonen who donated the winnings back to the club.